Long time suit me right??
But want keep long time la...

Nothing special at hometown la!!
But i am so happy that Nic had helped me format my laptop neh!!
And had change to Vista Ultimate already...
Really thanks for you la...
This two days i also go sing-k with my mum...
Anywhere thanks la..
Although can't go for my basketball times...
But at less can train my voice...

Last night i had chat a lot with WenWen la...
Talk a lot neh...
Don't know why suddenly too many thing chat...
She told me that she will go sing k with mum...
His mum is damn excited...
But just only her is bad mood...
Me also swt neh...
What daughter is she...
I had found his old photo neh!!
Dog lessen!!Hahax...
I think when she is 15 year old ba...
I also forgot zo lu...
Ei!!WenWen how old are you when that time!!!??/

And Wykit, Huei and Wyn had birthday already la...
So sorry...
Three of you all i also hadn't buy present yet...
But will gift later on la...
Tomorrow will going out with Wykit la...
Long time didn't saw dao him tim...
Wish you all happy birthday first...
Sorry la...
Just only a simply wish ah...
But the meaning so heavy d la...
Soon i had not take any photo and had not self love any...
So no photo upload neh...
My hair had shorter shorter and shorter...
Now is shortest already...
Many final examsss is coming also tim neh...
26th my bad dream will start...
Going crazy...
No mood study zo d!!Can't like this la...
I need to wore gambater la...
For my future...
Cola ah... Where had u gone already??!! Go trip with BF or family zo le ma... Haiz... Long time didn't saw u online or sms me d... Haiz...
Frm R-ZuN