This is my second post la...
But i think i will write no too much neh...
Cause today i post this when evening...
So, less thing to write la...
I write some about last night...
Last i chat with a msn friend,

She is my friend la...
So leng lui right...
She is bibi lui la...
She is from KL...
And 16 years old...
She has a very handsome and nice boyfriend.
Because her boyfriend so handsome and nice,
So, damn many girl's friends always around him.
So my this msn friend very hard together with him,
Cause her boyfriend not allow to announce to all...
So just only can look at his boyfriend play and chat with others girl's friends
My msn friend bibi lui ah...
Is ok la...
Gt many couple also like both of you two la...
He also got explain to you that his girlfriend just only you right?
That mean from her heard, he still had you.
I chat with her until 3.xx a.m neh...
So good to chat
Then i watch the 100% entertainment.
So nice,
That "Xiao Chu" so geng...
Cold joke.
When 5.xx a.m then i slept already.
After that, 12.xx p.m my mum had @#^^%#%@& me up la...
Cause i promised that will help her to move all the thing at her Kampar's shop.
Then finish move the things at Kampar.
Then go to the Ipoh's Mcdonald eat lunch,
and move the thing to my mum's friend.

Then 3.xx p.m back to home already with my beauty cousin,
both of my cousin also damn beauty o....
One of i also promised that will present to her.
Who is the eldest one...
Her name is Michelle.
She is from Johor Bharu,
but had move to the Kampar's Timor.
Don't always say your cousin me never present to you k?

Which hold by my hand is the present of my cousin la...
Did u saw that got my cousin name o...
But i think it is to big size to him already,
Tonight she back just only present to him la...
Then i also gt chat with my nicest msn friend.
Who is Evelyn
She is quick nice girl and mature.
Maybe cause she is bigger than me too much la...
How old is secret la...

She is Evelyn la...
So pretty la...
Evelyn (Du mouth) neh...
She is quick nice to me...
Always shared any about her to me...
Maybe i m AB blood set,
Is damn good listener.
Ok la...